Monthly Archives: December 2009

How Do I See Me?


Peaceful, fragrant, in love with God, knowing Him more. In a clean home that smells good…clean air, no excess of dust….one cat, maybe two…with my husband, candles burning throughout the house regularly, not cheap candles but Febreeze…Yankee even…Home Interiors…J. Crew sweaters, book tours, sharp hair…bangin’ brows, healthy fit body…Ann Taylor skirts, shoes of many options. Clear skin, bright eyes, always smiling, even when I’m not…lovely voice, three children…at least…supporting my husband’s business. Live shows…jazz music, traveling to see Jon in L.A., supporting the Kappa House in Philly. Degree on wall…counseling young people…loving on them whenever they need love, which is always…long walks with my husband…closing our first home, furnishing our first home…closing our second, furnishing…warm colors in the living areas…blues and purples in the bedroom…candles…ceiling fans…book of poetry…writing daily…marathon…pain and pleasure…accomplishment…reading for enjoyment. Blue water…monthly facials…Inhale…exhale…breath deep…inhale exhale…yoga expert…Pilates warrior…I’m good…I’m toned…I’m in shape. Singing, painting…yard work…visiting girlfriends…feeding the homeless…private parties…VIP…wine connoisseur…wow, I correctly spelled connoisseur…lol laughing, loving, preaching…art on walls…fire burning…visiting family…sending them money. Giving money to strangers…taking them to eat. RL…in silver…Options…standing tall…confidence…sharing my energy…positivity. Sunday mornings…inhale exhale…fruits and veggies…healthy…bike rides in the park…FAMILY. Home in Riverside Park at home…enjoying snow in Upstate NY…healthy hands…strong hands…water fountain. Trickling water…weekends in Savannah…Charleston…NYC…Chicago…DC…LA…Some random town in the country…the will of God. Speaking at conferences…collaborating on research…in sociological journals…swimming…music makes me high…